The Extraordinary Jupiter - Neptune Conjunction of 2022 - April 12, 2022

The two outer planets, Jupiter, the generous planet of faith in life, growth and big dreams and Neptune, the mystical planet of self-transcendence and higher consciousness meet up in a conjunction in Pisces, exact on April 12th and then later in the year, late November 2022 will revisit in a loose conjunction, but still a meaningful second event as it finishes up for many years to come.

The cycle of these two planets are different. Jupiter takes 11.88 or approximately 12 years to go through all 12 signs of the zodiac. Neptune moves much slower; 165 years to go around the zodiac. The faster moving Jupiter meets up with Neptune approximately every 12 years and has a significance in that time for each of us individually and collectively where hope and opportunity unite with spiritual awareness and surrender.

So what makes this conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune noteworthy? It is because Jupiter and Neptune will meet in their co-ruled sign of Pisces, increasing the potency of this aspect for each of us individually and collectively.

The last time that Jupiter and Neptune came together in the sign of Pisces was in 1856, a strong Neptunian time between 1847 to 1862 when “spiritualism” grew into a religious movement that spread throughout North America. This movement held the position that after death, spirits were able to communicate with the living and the living could communicate back. With this growing belief there was a rise in spiritual mediums holding séances, automatic writing and spirit photography which fed into the popularity of these practices that some believed to be authentic and others found to be fake.

Now in 2022 we are in a time in history of enormous innovation as well as upheaval, challenges and fear. In so many ways, our world is hurting.  And with Jupiter and Neptune meeting in Pisces, a time with a similar planetary vibration from the previous conjunction in 1856 that offers the opportunity for a breakthrough in consciousness and soul growth.

This once in our lifetime cosmic meeting between Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces expands and opens us, has a sweetness to it, a creative and compassionate sea of inspiration, but also can lead to illusion, confusion, apathy and escapism. As this energy grows use discernment as your guide, to determine what needs to be released that no longer supports your spiritual growth and claim what strengthens your inner world, spiritual wisdom and encourages you to bring your light more fully into the world.

If you would like to know where the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction occurs in your birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
