New Moon in Cancer - July 5, 2024, 6:56 PM, EDT

Now in Cancer season, the Sun aligns with lovely Luna and as the New Moon in Cancer rises in the dark night, consciousness turns inward, gently searching.  A time for introspection and care, memories surface as we are called to listen to the whispers of our heart; to attend to our emotional needs that often go unnoticed in the responsibilities and changing circumstances of everyday life.

The sign of Cancer represents cosmic receptive energy of the healer, the caretaker; protective, empathetic, forgiving and nurturing. Ruled by the Moon, this lunar phase in its own sign intensifies emotions, imagination, intuition and psychic impressions as well as the potential for heightened sensitivity where feelings can be easily hurt.

Adding a sweetness to this Moon phase is Venus, also in Cancer amplifying themes of love, beauty, and intimate connections. Venus urges us to relax and restore ourselves and in Cancer, we are called to reconnect with what truly nurtures us. With a gentle reminder to honor our feelings and the feelings of those we hold dear, Venus persuades us to indulge in self-care, to surround ourselves with beauty and comfort that appeals to us and to express our love in ways that are both tender and sincere

Saturn in Pisces now retrograde, provides supportive motivation to revisit our spiritual foundations as well as the structures and boundaries we have built in our lives. Called to honestly face patterns of escapism or apathy that undermine us, Saturn’s message is that intuition and disciplined determination are required to successfully balance our inspired dreams with a dose of reality.

Additionally, Mars in Taurus brings a steady grounded energy to this Moon, enhancing our determination to set intentions that build something tangible and lasting, especially in matters of the heart and home.

This lunar phase can bring up issues between personal needs with the needs of others. When willing to communicate honesty and compassionately, there is greater potential to find a healthy balance and resolve that supports the health and interdependency of our significant partnerships. 

This Cancer Moon urges us to embrace more of life; to envision new dimensions of love, happiness and wellbeing within ourselves and with others. Although we may feel overly self-protective, this is the time to reveal our vulnerabilities when important, turning them into strengths; a reminder that true strength lies in being gentle with ourselves and owning our feelings. Encouraging us to create a bedrock of love and security, this is a fertile time for tending to our relationships, enhancing our living space, or nurturing our own emotional health.

Under the soulful nurturing energy of the New Moon in Cancer, let us embrace the softness within us, find the courage to reveal our needs and seek comfort in the company of those who make us feel at home.  

In honoring the cycles of rest and renewal, this lunar phase provides the heart space to understand our desires, and plant the seeds of emotional wellbeing and happiness. In the quiet of this lunar phase of new beginnings, may we bring the healing energy of the New Moon in Cancer into our lives and our future, creating a more secure and nurturing inner and outer world.

Knowing where the New or Full Moon occurs in your birthchart is the best way to understand the effect of this phase personally. If you are interested in knowing where the New Moon in Cancer occurs in your birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

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Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
