Full Moon in Capricorn - June 21, 2024, 9:07 PM, EDT

Summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere begins with the Solstice on June 20, 2024 and the start of Cancer season. As the life-affirming rays of the Sun warms our spirit, emotions grow with a sense of purpose under the light of the Full Moon in the first degree of Capricorn on June 21st. In recognizing the goals we have set, the trails we’ve climbed and the milestones achieved, this Capricorn lunar phase calls us to consider the next steps on our journey of overall success with perseverance and disciplined effort.

Symbolized by the masterful mythical Sea Goat, this Capricorn Moon in opposition to the Sun in Cancer, creates a cosmic dialogue between the public and private aspects of life, where the responsible provider meets the empathetic nurturer, each seeking to illuminate the other and both offering sustenance.

Mercury and Venus in Cancer, close to the Sun and opposite the Full Moon, enhance vitality, thoughts and sweet desires. Merging in the sign of the Crab, sensitive conversations and loving connections increase our awareness of needed equilibrium during this lunar phase, ensuring that the attention and efforts we put into our outer world do not overshadow our emotional support systems that back us up.

Mystical Neptune in Pisces confronts the Moon in Capricorn’s realistic nature creating a point of growth that increases creative ideas and disciplined productivity. Be aware that emotional confusion and escapist tendencies may also occur. With intention, work to integrate an inspired vision with practical application, bringing the dream into structured form.

During this Full Moon phase we experience a heart and soul awareness of our personal authority; acknowledging the height of our ambitions and assessing the basis of our achievements, determining how well we’ve done or not.  Attention to progress and needed adjustments or eliminating certain plans or goals is highlighted.

In the sign of Capricorn, the Moon illuminates where the desire to reach greater levels of success, “great work” and professional responsibilities can result in a serious imbalance within ourselves, our personal lives and overall wellbeing. Capricorn’s steadfast focus can be all consuming and lead to burnout and emotional disconnection. Release the need for ultimate control and open to intuition and self-care that refuels you. To support resiliency, allow for compassionate vulnerability and ask for help when truly needed.

In this moment of heartfelt reflection, we are invited to look at our lives through the strategic eye of Capricorn and the compassionate heart of Cancer. As we stand between these two powerful celestial forces, let us seek the balance that allows us to thrive in all aspects of our lives. May we honor the dedication and hard work that feeds our most meaningful work and higher purpose while also embracing the love, care and bonded relationships that nourish our mind, body and soul.

In the luminescence of the Full Moon in Capricorn, may we find the harmony within and in our outer world that empowers us to build a life that is both fulfilling and deeply connected.