Full Moon in Sagittarius - May 23, 2024 9:53 AM, EDT

Leaving Taurus season, the Sun in Gemini shines an energetic light that wakes up our mind to the wonder and connection in the busy flow of day to day life. However, with 4 planets in Taurus, we still have solid footing to navigate this next lunar phase, the Full Moon in Sagittarius. Magnifying our emotional desires, the fiery free spirited light of this Sagittarius Full Moon culminates in a peak of awareness; for continued happiness we must release any fixed ideas and over assumptions and like the Centaur with arrow aimed at unexplored horizons, educate ourselves beyond what we know and bring new life to our values and beliefs.

Adding nuance and positivity to this Full Moon is the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter; the planet of good fortune, expansion and faith in life itself. Jupiter, along with Venus are both in the last degree of Taurus, close to the Sun and opposing the Moon. Accentuating our desire for intimate connection and continued growth, we are also called to consider our beliefs around security and wellbeing. 

Acknowledge personal needs and longing for stability and with a willingness to contemplate new options or make beneficial adjustments, trust that it’s time to strengthen significant relationships, in love, money and basic comforts that fortify our innate faith in ourselves and life. Changes are imminent with Jupiter entering Gemini on May 25, 2024. With steady footing, we can navigate this planetary shift with greater resilience and success.

Neptune in Pisces increases the spiritual dimension of this lunar phase with an abundance of intuition, inspiration and compassion that integrates our quests for truth and understanding with a sensitivity to our collective connection and personal beliefs. As Neptune can fog our vision, blurring the lines between reality and illusion, pay attention to strong internal signals and outward signs, using wisdom in choices and actions.

Infusing this Full Moon with opportunities for soul growth, Pluto in Aquarius compels us to delve into our dark corners, facing the shadows that hide who we genuinely are. Pluto’s gift of transformation and reaching a higher perspective during this Moon is found when we empower ourselves to investigate new frontiers and philosophies that honestly align with our deepest held truths, enriching our lives with greater meaning and purpose.

Rich with themes of adventure and discovery, this lunar phase in Sagittarius illuminates the stories we tell ourselves and share with others, our ideas, beliefs and philosophies. It invites us to question, to seek direct cultural and spiritual experiences, and strive to understand; not just the diverse world around us, but the evolving universe within.

The lively Moon in Sagittarius is the hero’s journey, where traveling the unknown path and facing tests of our spirit are guided by the optimistic belief that beyond the familiar we find the extraordinary. A time when our heart leads the way toward the truths we need, to live authentically, passionately, and freely.

Knowing where the New or Full Moon occurs in your birthchart is the best way to understand the effect of this phase personally. If you are interested in knowing where the Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs in your birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

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Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
