Full Moon in Scorpio - April 23, 2024, 7:49 PM, EDT

After the recent fiery New Moon Solar Eclipse, we enter Taurus season where the light of the Sun helps center us during this next lunar phase. In counterbalance, the mysterious glow of the Full Moon in Scorpio, draws us into our depths, illuminating the darkest corners of our psyche, urging us to confront our fears, doubts, wounds and desires buried within. Magnifying the focused scrutiny of Scorpio’s nature this is a phase of deep emotional revelations and psychic insights when the veiled becomes visible and the truth, no matter how hidden, seeks the light.

The Moon in Scorpio emanates passionate intensity, depth and emotional privacy. Naturally gravitating towards taboo topics, Scorpio has an unyielding fixation for exposing the truth and navigating the intricate web of human emotions with a direct approach. However, with such focused introspection, Scorpio can lose sight of broader perspectives and become stuck in a pessimistic outlook.

In opposition, the Sun in Taurus radiates simplicity, tranquility, and stability. A lover of nature and a sign that avoids drama, Taurus aims to foster security through dependable resources, including relationships. Both signs, being fixed, can be stubborn and often immovable. However, despite tension in their opposition, it serves as a catalyst for finding balance, common ground, understanding and appreciation for both signs.

Creating a compelling point of growth with the Full Moon is Pluto in Aquarius, the ruler of this lunar phase. Challenging us with a cosmic call for radical honesty, we are motivated to confront the status quo and break free from old and wounding perspectives and limitations. Embracing our personal power, we activate the potential for meaningful and lasting transformation that supports our true individuality.

Deep and cathartic emotional interactions sourced by the Scorpio Moon can ignite Mercury retrograde in Aries and Chiron in Aries. As Mercury has slowed down into a reflective period, it’s best to revisit and reconsider the ways we communicate, set boundaries and take action, especially in the feisty energy of Aries.

Bringing Chiron’s compassion to the table, honesty and courage can initiate healing conversations that clear the air and bridge misunderstandings. However, without sensitivity, “going back over things” can further feed into hurt, frustration or misplaced anger. As best as possible, especially if strong emotions are involved, consider the potential outcome and take a pause before speaking or doing. Also, if possible, wait on making commitments or major decisions until after Mercury stations direct on April 25, 2024.

This Scorpio Moon also highlights the power of intimacy, where soulful merging with another requires vulnerability; the willingness to share not only our light but also our darkness. In this process of raw, honest connection, lost perspective can be recovered.

As we navigate this lunar phase, keep a steady, courageous, open heart. Let this be a time where we fully face old wounds, resentments, and patterns that bind us to the past and in a profound declaration of renewal and empowerment, let go, heal, and transcend what no longer serves us.

During this intense Scorpio Full Moon, may you harness the probing intuitive nature of Scorpio to uncover your personal power for transformation; to illuminate the path to your innermost realms and emerge from the shadows with a renewed sense of clarity, strength, authenticity and purpose.

 Knowing where the New or Full Moon occurs in your birthchart is the best way to understand the effect of this phase personally. If you are interested in knowing where the Full Moon in Scorpio occurs in your birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

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Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
