Mars enters Gemini - July 20, 2024

Transiting Mars enters Gemini July 20, 2024 until September 4, 2024. Transiting Mars, the God of War, the planet of action, passion, sex, courage and boundary setting has been in the sign of Taurus since June 8, 2024. In that time we had the opportunity to slow down and stabilize what we began while Mars previously was in Aries. However, the cycles of astrological energy are always in motion and July 20th, Mars will enter into the sign of Gemini, activating, shifting and increasing possibilities. In general, things will begin to move faster, information will flow, changes will increase and the need for communication, flexibility and an open mind is called for.

Mars in Gemini is charged with endless potential for getting things done. Helping us to multi-task day to day with greater efficiency as well as give us the extra push to accomplish bigger things, from creating life strategies, finding the courage to share honest feelings, or finally embracing and activating the creative part of ourselves.

Mars is the warrior, the assertive one and wherever Mars moves through your birthchart is an area of life that receives a cosmic push to do something, to make something happen. To charge after a goal or desired opportunity. There may be the need to courageously set boundaries, defending yourself or others. Mars also is part of how we deal with and express frustration, fear and anger and in Gemini, words can be used in a hurtful manner with a lasting effect. Be aware of this potential and use words and actions with awareness for the best possible outcome you desire.  

Mars is passionate, a lover and in Gemini, curiosity and conversation can turn to romantic entanglements that may take off quickly. Keep this in mind and give yourself time to really know someone and deepen your meaningful connections. Communicate honestly, enjoy the flow and give yourself time before making quick decisions, especially in new relationships.

Overall, this is an active period individually and collectively that will hit a peak from August 12th to August 16th when Mars makes contact with Jupiter, the planet of growth and hope that is also in Gemini. Jupiter expands what it contacts and during these few days in particular, there can be a plethora of good will, opportunities or possible changes as well as the potential for increased irritation, frustration or anger. Whether you experience an overwhelming increase in positivity or negativity, during this time, creating a few minutes of stillness and silence that grounds you and increases intuition will be invaluable. Stay flexible and be wary of absolutes during this transit as thoughts and direction can change.

With all of this dynamic energy and movement, the fast paced energy of Mars in Gemini brings a note of caution; the urge to scatter our energies in too many direction or endeavors, leading to burnout, lack of focus or overwhelm.  During this transit embrace adaptability if the unpredictable occurs. Make time to center yourself, gather your thoughts and keep your sights on your objectives.

During this Mars in Gemini transit, let us harness the power of our thoughts and words, channeling them into purposeful action. With confidence, curiosity and an open mind communicate, reveal your story, share your passions and connect with others.  With conscious intention and attention this lively transit provides a shift in perspective that ignites our ideas and fosters our personal evolution.

Although this transit will affect us all, if you are a Gemini or have personal planets in Gemini in your chart, this transit will super charge you! If you are interested in knowing where the transit of Mars in Gemini occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings!
