Mars Enters Pisces - March 22, 2024

As Mars, the fiery planet of action and assertion, travels through the watery realms of Pisces the next 5 ½ weeks we are called to navigate the depths of our desires with compassion and intuition. This cosmic shift infuses our endeavors with a dreamy quality, urging us to approach challenges with greater sensitivity and ingenuity.

Under this influence, our energy may ebb and flow like the tides, challenging us in our day to day lives. However with moving or sitting meditations such as yoga or simply some quiet time to re-center ourselves can inspire us to trust and work with the subtle currents of the Universe.

While Mars is in Pisces, the archetype of the spiritual warrior may soften our edges, yet also ignites an intensity to channel our passions into creative and altruistic pursuits as well as actively develop or deepen a devotional practice.

As Pisces energy easily flows into fantasy, this is an opportune time to take a deep dive into the vastness of imagination. Envision your desires, write them down on paper and emotionally shift into the feeling of experiencing this vision of you or your life that you want to manifest.

During this brief yet motivating transit, embrace the rhythmic interplay between doing and being, assertiveness and empathy. By opening to higher guidance, psychic impressions and hearing the whispers of our soul the insights we gain fortify us with greater self-awareness, clarity and courage to move forward when Mars enters Aries April 30th.

If you are interested in knowing where transiting Mars in Pisces occurs in your birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

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Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
