Full Moon in Libra - March 28, 2021, 2:49 PM EDT

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The recent Vernal Equinox kicked off Aries Season where hope and renewal are inspired by the promise of Spring and the budding of new life. With the fiery zest of Aries in motion, the Libra Full Moon, the first Full Moon and Super Moon of the new astrological year shines a beautiful bright light on our relationships and the importance of honesty, fairness and compromise in seeking peaceful solutions.

Libra is the Scales, an air sign devoted to beauty, gracious interactions, cooperation and justice. Ruled by Venus and naturally oriented to others, love and relationships are Libran territory, a main focus of this Moon.

During this Super Full Moon emotions intensify and your desire and interactions with others can build to a point that begins something new or moves current relationships one way or the other depending on circumstances and intention. Work with Libra’s sensitive energy of negotiation, fairness and cooperation but be careful of side stepping conflict or excessive indecision.  Looking at both sides and weighing out options is helpful in finding supportive common ground for all.

The Full Moon is always in exact opposition to the Sun and during this lunation there is a great deal of input with the Sun, Venus and Chiron fused together in Aries at 8 degrees. This triple conjunction underlines   fears, wounds and desires we carry around love; of self and others.

The first fire sign, Aries is the Warrior with a charge of independence, finding courage out of fear and running head on into life. Right use of will, assertiveness and boundary setting is a main purpose of Aries driving energy and important to work with during this Moon.

Venus rules Libra and brings a balm of loving, sweet energy to the Sun and Chiron. Chiron the wounded Healer offers healing potential in honestly facing any unresolved or painful issues.

Providing additional potential and motivation to this lunar phase are Mars in Gemini standing up for open minded communication and flexibility in the face of changes and Saturn in Aquarius where wisdom and commitment during innovative transitions are called for.

The Full Moon always brings to light some internal or external awareness through our heart chakra where our emotions guide us for our happiness is at stake. We realize we are ready for something that needs to be acknowledged or occur.

With awareness and intuition work with this Libra Moon energy that ultimately seeks peace to find more love, connection and healing in your relationships regardless of outcome. May you create greater beauty, harmony and balance within; for what you create within is what shines out into your life and the world.