February 2014

February begins as Venus, the Goddess of Love stations direct on January 31st. While Venus was retrograde in January it presented us with the time to reflect, re-evaluate, and reconsider the nature and status of all that we make relationship with. Certainly significant people in our lives, but also ways in which we make our living and the ways we nurture our inner essence and higher calling.

 As Venus is in the sign of Capricorn and currently in a conjunction with Pluto, the planet of transformation in Capricorn, unconscious, unsatisfying patterns of behavior that don’t serve us come up for healing and release.  There is also the need to stand in our integrity and inner authority determining who and what we can commit to.  Now, as Venus has begun to move forward it signals us to make decisions based on realizations found in the retrograde phase.  Taking time, with thoughtfulness and our newly gained insights, allows fresh and meaningful patterns to unfold naturally for the highest outcome for all.

Adding planetary influence is Jupiter retrograde in the sign of Cancer opposite the Venus Pluto conjunction. This opposition creates tension and awareness for needed balance that supports both big dreams, and commitment to our higher purpose.  Jupiter asks us to stretch further into life, and now retrograde, to engage with intuition, and reflect upon new avenues of growth and happiness that can begin to unfold when Jupiter goes direct.  During this process, allow feelings to surface while opening to the endless possibilities that life has to offer.

As Jupiter continues to retrograde, it moves away from Pluto, and their opposition eases up after February 8th.  However on February 15th, Jupiter will move into a square with Uranus, the planet of  individuality in the sign of Aries that peaks on February 26th. This square can present changes, and or sudden opportunities for growth that might be unexpected or startling. The challenge lies in determining what opportunities are truly authentic and supporting.  Difficult decisions are possible.

On February 6th Mercury, the planet of communication stations retrograde creating confusion and frustration with information flow, intentions, plans and communication.  In the water sign of Pisces, it may feel difficult to see all facts clearly. Take time to review and understand all details of any important document or situation.  Mercury retrograde calls for reflection and re-evaluation. If possible, wait until February 28th when Mercury stations direct before making any solid commitments or signing binding contracts.

During February, we have just the Full Moon in the sign of Leo and it is special as it lands on February 14th, Valentine’s Day.  The Full Moon is a time of high emotion and a good time to complete anything that has been in the building phase.   Leo is loyal and self-expressive creating the potential for a day rich with love, romance, and creativity. Emotions are large and the need to be heard and understood is important. Listen and share feelings with passion and a commitment to the flow of appreciation with another.  Be aware of the potential of overly dramatic emotional expression that drowns out everyone else.

Be Well Be Love